Monday, December 28, 2020

Week 89 - Escobar 2

So after about 10 days of being stuck in quarantine inside of the apartment I came home two months early. It was a very hectic experience to say the least. It was such a hassle to gather all of the American missionaries and get them to the airport since all public transportation was closed. We were supposedly going to have a meeting in a public event center but we were not even let inside at the last minute. So all the American missionaries were stuck outside in a parking lot at 11 pm in 80 degree humid weather. President and Sister Zuniga gave the summarized marriage discussion to all the missionaries who had more than 18 months and were ending their missions. We eventually had buses take us to the MTC/ Temple because we couldn't all wait at the airport. Over 500 missionaries were crammed throughout the various buildings with just about every American missionary serving in Argentina there. After waiting hours and hours we finally went to the airport to wait even more. We finally boarded a chartered Delta flight with only missionaries. We flew directly from Buenos Aires to Salt Lake City which was nice. Upon arriving in SLC I found out that my flight to Spokane had been cancelled and I would be leaving the next day. But mom wasn't having it so I flew to the Pasco airport that night thanks to the help of Michelle's dad who works for Delta. I eventually made it home after a very crazy couple of days!


Week 88 - Escobar 2

This week was absolutely crazy. On Tuesday I went to the mission home for the meeting for the trainers and new missionaries. I got my new companion his name is Elder Martinez. He is from Paraguay. He is a convert of about a year and a half and is the only member of his family. He is 25 years old and a good kind of interesting guy. He has been teaching me lots of Guarani. So the first day here in Escobar 2 it rained soo much so that made for a good first day in the field for my companion. We have been contacting a lot and the ward is really big. They say that 150 people attend every week which is a huge number. We have knocked the door of several active members without even trying to which was funny. On Thursday President Zuniga made a conference call to everyone and sent us to buy a huge amount of emergency food. So we went to the market with a huge list of supplies and food that they had given us and went buying a bunch of stuff. The corona virus really got to Argentina and all the people are freaking out. On Friday we had a district meeting in the stake center and we had to take a bus for an hour and a half to get there since this zone is so dang big. We got news on Saturday that all church meetings were cancelled. So they told us that a church visit could count as bringing a friend of the church to a member's house, taking the sacrament, and doing Come Follow Me. We aren't sure how long there is not going to be church so we are going to have a ton of people go to a member's house. There is a possibility that we have to stay inside our pensions but I hope that does not happen because we would probably die of boredom.

Week 87 - Islas Malvinas 2


Week 86 - Islas Malvinas 2

 This week went really well.  The highlight of the week is that on Saturday we were contacting in the morning and we started talking to a guy named Jorge.  Then he invited us into his house and we talked for a bit and he told us he was a bus driver and he has outside his house an old city bus that he does private jobs with.  So we went by his house Sunday morning to go and walk with him to church, and he asks us if we want to go in the bus, so we said heck yeah.  He took us to church in this huge bus and it was awesome.  After the sacrament meeting we showed him the baptismal font and he really liked everything about church.  So we invited him to get baptized on the 29th of March and he got super excited.  We are still teaching Miguel Angel who came to church for the fourth time yesterday.  He is still having a a hard time understanding that he needs to stop drinking and smoking which is really difficult for him.  The Sisuela family had some set backs because the mom got a temp job and had to work yesterday and will have to work next Sunday as well so that was a blow.  On Wednesday this week we did divisions with the Assistants in Suarez and I went with Elder Smith and Elder Valdivia and Elder Fisher went with Elder Wallace.  The family we had lunch with was a family that I had met over a year ago.  They were celebrating the birthday of a baby who was turning 1 year old whom I had seen right after she was born so that was kind of crazy how the time passes by fast.  Thursday we had interviews with President Zuniga and he picked us up because we had stayed the night near the mission offices so we had a nice car ride with him and some interviews.  On Friday we had a crazy lunch where the mom was like threatening to kill her sons with a knife when I was doing divisions in Vucetich. 

Week 85 - Islas Malvinas 2

 This week was super good.  We have been having some super spiritual lessons.  We are still teaching the Sisuela family and Rosa, Leandro, and Sabrina all accepted a baptismal date for the 14th of March.  There is a lot of stuff we have to teach and a lot of obstacles they have to overcome, but we are working on that.  Sabrina couldn't come to church yesterday because she worked the night shift and got home only twenty minutes before church started.  Rosa and Leandro came and they liked it.  We are also still teaching Migel Angel the guy with the drinking and smoking problem.  He actually came to church all on his own.  (We only called him like 47 times.) In the sacrament meeting our branch president went off on the congregation and was reading exclusively from Alma 5 and saying the members needed to help take the burden off of his shoulders.  It was pretty crazy.  We did division two times this week.  We have just been contacting a ton of people this week because we need to start teaching more people.