Saturday, April 13, 2019

Email from Franco Silio

Updates in Spanish from Franco Silio, member of the Ward Tanner is serving in, about Tanner and the baptism of Franco's father, Jose....

--> Muchas gracias por dejas venir a su hijo a la mision el es un genio
"Many thanks for letting your son come to the mission, he is a genius"

--> Hola que tal ? Si estamos en el mismo barrio  y cuando puedo salgo a caminar con su hijo  su hijo es muy buen misionero y muy buena persona se lo quiere mucho en el barrio y en BA esta todo trankilo por ahora

"Hello, how are you? Yes, we are in the same ward and when I can, I go out and walk with your son, your son is a very good missionary and a very good person, I know they love him a lot in the ward and in Buenos Aires, everything is going well here right now."

--> Hola !! Hoy gracias a el poder de la palabra de su hijo mi padre se pudo bautisar mi papa estuvo 20 años intentando para bautisarse y nunca quiso y hoy su hijo hiso milagros con mi papa gracias por ayudarlo a que venga a una misión!!!

"Hello! Today, thanks to the power of the word from your son, my father was able to be baptized, it was 20 years of trying to get him baptized, and he never wanted to, and today your son worked miracles with my dad, thanks for helping him that he could come on a mission!"

Franco Silio, Elder Christensen, Elder Santos

Elder Santos, Jose Silio, Elder Christensen

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